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Title: On the stability of immune-tumor model with one term delay in tumor (I-TD)
Authors: Devi, Anuradha
Ghosh, Aditya
Keywords: Mathematical model
Tumor cell
Immune cell
Eigenvalue; Stability
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation
Abstract: A mathematical model is presented that describes the growth of the tumor cells with delay TD and intrinsic behavior of it in the presence of immune cells I.The immune-tumor model is modified with inclusion of one term delay factor. The behavior and stability of I 􀀀 TD model have been analyzed. It is found that stability of the model depends on both intrinsic growth of tumor cells as well as on the delay. The stability of both immune and tumor cells with delay has been analyzed under equilibrium condition and the conditions for stability of both immune and tumor cells under delay are found.
ISSN: 0974 - 4665
0974 - 4673
Appears in Collections:Prof. (Dr.) Anuradha Devi

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