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Title: Sculptures of Kamakhya Temple: An Aesthetic View
Authors: Deka, Mousumi
Keywords: Kamakhya temple
Issue Date: Oct-2013
Abstract: The Kamakhya temple is one of the world known religious centre. Though, the temple is regarded as the great religious Tantriccentre but, it lays great emphasis on the sculptural art. The temple exits at the Nilachal hill of Assam. The myth, religion and art are amalgamated in the Kamakhya temple. The reconstructed temple shows the sculptural art of different times. Numerous sculptural images are very similar to the Gupta art style. The study focuses upon the characteristics of the stone images and traces the myth behind the temple. The stone images are analyzed according to the subject matter.
ISSN: 2250-3153
Appears in Collections:Dr. Mousumi Deka

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