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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1998A Book on C Programming in CKelley, AI; Pohl, Ira
11-Sep-2017Use of Facebook for the Community Services Practices course: Community of inquiry as a theoretical frameworkKeles, Esra
25-Aug-2017The NISPI framework: Analysing collaborative problem-solving from students' physical interactionsCukurova, Mutlu; Luckin, Rose; Millan, Eva; Mavrikis, Manolis
24-Aug-2017The effect of online argumentation of socio-scientific issues on students' scientific competencies and sustainability attitudesTsai, Chun-Yen
8-Sep-2017Effect of augmented reality game Pok emon GO on cognitive performance and emotional intelligence in adolescent youngRuiz-Ariza, Alberto; Casuso, Rafael Antonio; Suarez-Manzano, Sara; J. Martínez-Lopez, Emilio
18-Sep-2017Educational apps from the Android Google Play for Greek preschoolers: A systematic reviewPapadakis, Stamatios; Kalogiannakis, Michail; Zaranis, Nicholas
5-Sep-2017Combining e-books with mind mapping in a reciprocal teaching strategy for a classical Chinese courseWu, Ting-Ting; Chen, An-Chi
15-Sep-2017Collaborative agile learning in online environments: Strategies for improving team regulation and project managementNoguera, Ingrid
18-Sep-2017Analysis of the relation between computational thinking skills and various variables with the structural equation modelDurak, Hatice Yildiz
1-Sep-2017Anonymous versus identified peer assessment via a Facebook-based learning application: Effects on quality of peer feedback, perceived learning, perceived fairness, and attitude toward the systemLin, Guan-Yu
2012A Tool for Automatic CinemagraphsYeh, Mei-Chen; Li, Po-Yi
2017Computer FundamentalsTutorials Point
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 13 of 13