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Title: Case studies for the application of least common multiple (LCM) algorithm for resolving multi-parameter contradiction by inversion of TRIZ contradiction matrix
Other Titles: Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering
Authors: Mohan Bhatnagar, Rajeev
Keywords: Least common multiple algorithm
TRIZ contradiction matrix
Miller turbocharging
Shrink fit and autofrettage
Recursive evolution
Issue Date: 5-Mar-2019
Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Abstract: A novel algorithm for design concept generation using TRIZ inventive principles for resolving multi-parameter contradiction is described in the paper. The LCM algorithm inverts TRIZ contradiction matrix from parameter versus contradiction versus inventive principles form to solution versus parameter versus contradiction form followed by its bifurcation into two complementary matrices. The concept generation using the complementary matrices has been demonstrated for three case studies—the recursive evolution of inventive principles of algorithm by solving its own TRIZ contradiction matrix; high-performance diesel engine; and development of shrink fit and autofrettage concept for very high-pressure vessel. The first case study validates the algorithm. The recursive evolution leads an algorithm to give non-trivial solution due to positive definiteness as stated by theorem of recursive evolution. The algorithm leads to focussed heuristics and problem-oriented prioritisation of parameters by the bifurcation of solution set into basic inventive solution set and novel solution set. Scientific effect that can potentially constrain the applicability of contradiction resolution is reported. The work includes the updated contradiction matrix (Jou et al. in Adv Mater Sci Eng, 2013.; Mann and Dewulf in TRIZ J, 2003).
ISSN: 1806-3691
Appears in Collections:Dr. Rajeev M. Bhatnagar

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