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dc.contributor.authorRoy, Arundhati-
dc.description.abstractThe eight essays in this updated edition of The Algebra rflnfiniteJ ustice were written between July 1 998 and June 2002. They have all been specially revised for this volume, where they appear together for the first time. 'The Ladies Have Feelings, So . . .' is based on a talk given as the Third Annual Eqbal Ahmad Lecture, 15 February 2001, at Hampshire College, Amherst, Massachusetts. 'The End ofImagination', 'The Greater Common Good', 'Power Politics', 'The Algebra ofInfinite Justice' and 'War Is Peace' first appeared in Outlook and Frontline magazines. They have also been published in several languages worldwide in the following newspapers and magazines: 'The End ofImagination' in The Guardian (UK), Politikens Forlag (Denmark) , Dagens Nyheter (Sweden), El Pais (Spain), Ode Magazine (The p u b l i s h e r ' s n o t e I 3 4 1 Netherlands), Helsingen Sanomat (Finland), TuJens Tegn (Norway), Intemazionale (Italy), De Groener Amsterdammer (The Netherlands), TransEuropiennes (France); 'The Greater Common Good' in The Guardian (UK; under the title 'Lies, Dam Lies and Statistics'), Dagens Nyheter (Sweden), Ode Magazine (The Netherlands), Intemazionale (Italy) MarieClaire (UK), Die Ufltwoche (Switzerland; German language), Femina (Denmark; an adapted article drawn from 'The End ofImagination' and 'The Greater Common Good', as taken from Frontline) ; 'The Algebra ofInfinite Justice' in The Guardian (UK), Franlqiltter Allgemeine (Germany), Le Monde (France), Intemazionale (Italy), Vrij Nederland (The Netherlands), The Spokesman (UK), La Stampa (Italy), EI Mundo (Spain), Emma Jkrlag (Germany), TMM Magazine (Iceland), Sekai Oapan), Kurve (Germany), Norskeniflamman (Sweden), Ruminator Review (USA); 'War Is Peace' in The Guardian (UK), EI Mundo (Spain), Der Spiegel (Germany), The Spokesman (UK), Internazionale (Italy), Ordfront Magasin (Sweden), De Standaard (Belgium), Hufoudstadtsbladet (Finland; Swedish language), MSNBC (USA; Internet rights), In These Times (USA). 3 4 2 p u b l i s h e r ' s n o t e 'The End ofImagination' was first published in book form by IBD in India. 'The End o f Imagination' and 'The Greater Common Good' were published together in book form as The Cost if Living by HarperCollins Publishers. The Cost if Living was also translated and published by Prometheus (Dutch ) , Gallimard (French) , Bertelsmann (German) , Psichogios (Greek), Zmora Bitan-Dvir (Hebrew) , Guanda (Italian) , Tsukiji Shokan (Japanese), Moonhak KwaJisung Sa (Korean) and Pax Forlag (Norwegian). 'The End ofImagination' was published in book form in Catalan and Spanish by Anagrama, in Portuguese by ASA and in Danish by Munksgaard Rosinante. 'The Greater Common Good' was published in book form in Portuguese by ASA and in Spanish by Anagrama. 'The Ladies Have Feelings, So . . . ' and 'Power Politics' were published together in book form as Power Politics by South End Press. All the essays have also been published in India in Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Malayalam, Urdu, Tamil, Bengali and Assamese. 'Democracy: Who's She When She's at Home' was first published in Outlook . p u b l i s h e r ' s n o t e I 3 4 3 'War Talk: Summer Games with Nuclear Bombs' was originally broadcast on Radia 4's Today programme. !twas later published in The Guardian (UK), The Times ciflndia and Frontline.en_US
dc.publisherPenguin Books Indiaen_US
dc.subjectNon Fictionen_US
dc.subjectNarmada Damen_US
dc.subjectDams and Displacementen_US
dc.subjectNuclear test and Sanctionen_US
dc.subjectWorld Trade Centre Attacken_US
dc.subjectGujarat Godhra Issueen_US
dc.titleThe Algebra of Infinite Justiceen_US
Appears in Collections:Non Fiction

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