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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 16 of 16
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Mathematical modelling and integrated management of eco epidemiological system under the application of pesticidesSyrti, Balajied Me
2024Milieu, Memory, Mysticism: A comparative study of naturalism and deep ecology in the selected novels of John Steinbeck and Easterine KireYanger, Asenla
2024Folksongs of the Angami Nagas: Transmission and Preservation of Culture and TraditionNeizovou
2024Legal Aspects of Euthanasia and Right to Die with Dignity: A Comparative StudySharma, Kasturi
2024Impact of Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) on the Financial Statements of Select Indian CompaniesMour, Kamal
2024A Study of Distributive and Multiplication N groups in Near rings and their Fuzzy AspectsHussain, Md Nazir
2024Some Aspects of Fluid Flow Problems with Emphasis on Visco ElasticitySingha, Sankar
2024Indian Abstract Art of Post Independence Era A Philosophical AnalysisSingh, Laishram Samson
2024Wound Healing and Antimicrobial Properties of Kaempferia galanga L and Formulation of Topical ApplicationsSharma, Vanshika
2024Behavioural Study of Visco-Elastic Fluid Flow Characterized by Walters Liquid (Model B')Saha, Bikash Koli
2024Sea Level Rise due to Climate Change and Its Impact along the Coast of MumbaiChakraborty, Sudipta
2024A Study on Rural Tourism in Ri-Bhoi District of Meghalaya: Prospects and ChallengesDutta, Indrajit
2024Milieu Memory Mysticism A comparative study of naturalism and deep ecology in the selected novels of John Steinbeck and Easterine KireYanger, Asenla
2024Influence of talk shows with celebrities of Hindi cinema on university students of Assam a study of two highly popular talk shows among selected populationRabha, Florence Handique
2024Biosurfactant Mediated Green Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles for Enhancing Seed Germination and Antimicrobial ApplicationsDas, Indukalpa
2024Pardoning Power and Judicial Review A Comparative Study with Special Refrence to the Constitution of IndiaMishra, Sandeep
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 16 of 16