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Title: A Tool for Automatic Cinemagraphs
Authors: Yeh, Mei-Chen
Li, Po-Yi
Keywords: Cinemagraph
Issue Date: 2012
Citation: Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan
Abstract: A cinemagraph is a new type of medium that infuses a static image with the dynamics of one or a few particular regions. It is in many ways intermediate between a photograph and a video, and provides a simple, yet expressive way to mix static and dynamic elements from a video clip. However, the process of creating cinemagraphs is usually tedious for end users and requires serious photo editing skills. In this demonstration we show a tool that creates cinemagraphs in a fully automatic manner. The technique should enable new features such as “intelligent cinemagraph mode” for digital cameras that provides an alternative method to capture the moment.
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