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Title: A History of Architectural Conservation
Authors: Jokilehto, Jukka
Keywords: History of Architectural Conservation
From traditional to modern society
Issue Date: 1999
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann
Abstract: The present book has its origin in the Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) dissertation, ‘A History of Architectural Conservation; the Contribution of English, French, German and Italian Thought Towards an International Approach to the Conservation of Cultural Property’, undertaken at the Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies, IoAAS, of the University of York, England, in 1978–86. The research was carried out under the tutorship and with the constant support and encouragement of Professor Derek Linstrum, then Director of Studies at IoAAS, and Sir Bernard M. Feilden, then Director of ICCROM, where the author was employed responsible for the international course in architectural conservation. The research project was recognized by ICCROM as part of its programme activities. While the original dissertation had focused mainly on the European origins of modern conservation, the text has been substantially revised for the book, and references have been included to some other regions of the world as well. I am particularly grateful to Professor Paul Philippot, Director Emeritus of ICCROM and Professor Emeritus of Université Libre of Brussels, for his intellectual guidance especially in relation to conservation theory, as well as Professor Guglielmo De Angelis d’Ossat, then Director of the Scuola di specializzazione per lo studio ed il restauro dei monumenti of the University of Rome, who helped to form a broad historical-critical approach to the subject. Furthermore, I wish to acknowledge the generous support of many distinguished persons, teachers, friends and colleagues, as well as of institutions, who have assisted in the different phases of the work in several countries, including Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Federal Republic of Germany, German Democratic Republic, Greece, Iran, India, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, Tunisia, Turkey, USA and Yugoslavia. Especially, I wish to mention: Professor Piero Gazzola and Prof. Carlo Ceschi in Italy, Professor Ludwig Deiters, Professor Hans Nadler, Dr Helmut Stelzer and other colleagues of the Institut für Denkmalpflege in GDR, the State Archives and Libraries of Berlin, Dresden, Magdeburg and Merseburg, the Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies in York, the Surveyor of Durham Cathedral Mr Ian Curry and the Dean and Chapter Library of Durham, the Library of the Society of Antiquaries and the RIBA Library in London, Les Archives de la Commission des Monuments Historiques and Le Centre de Reserche des Monuments Historiques in Paris, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut in Athens, Museovirasto in Helsinki, Accademia di San Luca, American Academy, Archivio di Stato, Biblioteca Herziana, and the Library of ICCROM in Rome; Françoise Bercé, Andrea Bruno, Blaine Cliver, Natalia Dushkina, Tamás Fejérdy, Nobuko Inaba, Maija Kairamo, Gabriela Krist, Tomislav Marasovic, and Leo Van Nispen. I am grateful to Sir Bernard Feilden, Derek Linstrum and Cynthia Rockwell for reading the manuscript, and to Azar Soheil-Jokilehto for her vital assistance and support throughout the Acknowledgements work. I am indebted to my parents and my family for having inspired, encouraged and sustained the entire process. Furthermore, I wish to acknowledge the grant provided by the Finnish Cultural Fund, Suomen Kulttuurirahasto, for the preparation of the publication. Photographs are by the author, except when accredited otherwise. Jukka Jokilehto
ISBN: 07506 5511 9
Appears in Collections:Textbook

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